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The Douche

Let John Douche (Dylan McDermott) be your rhythm vacation when you enter the Douche School of Dance.

Starring Dylan McDermott
Created by Dylan McDermott
Written by Dylan McDermott and Alex Fernie
Directed by Lauren Palmigiano
Edited by David Patton
Featuring: Myra McWethy and David Hunt
Also: Abby Albright, Robin Weitz, Dana Buning, Veronica Scheyving, Lucia Trozzi, Hali Hudson, Barbara Stuart, Janice Glaab, Fiona Chavers and Shasi Wells
Director of Photography: Antonio Scarlata
Gaffer: Richard Kim
G/E: Brigitte Bartholdi
Production Design: Katie Byron
Wardrobe: Leslie Schilling
Makeup/Hair: Shauna O ‘Toole
Makeup/Hair: Carla Farra
Sound: BoTown Sound
PA: Samantha Gross
Production Coordinator: Lindsey Robinson
Production Coordinator: Michelle Fox
Special Thanks: Bryna Rifkin and Raj Raghavan

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